2023-2024 CHS Athletic
Booster Membership

We’re full of good news, new news, and more news here at Boosters!

NEW PRICES! We’ve lowered our rates from $110 per person to $75 for Student Passes and $95 for Adult Passes. As always, passes are good for all regular season home games; that’s over 100 games per year!

NEW PASSES! Boosters Membership has gone digital! No more trying to remember your pass for games, simply download the GoFan app or go directly to the website (https://gofan.co) to create an account and buy passes for the whole family!

NEW OPTIONS! Also new this year is the Membership Only option. For just $30 you can support Chantilly athletic programs. This option does not get you into any games, but it does meet the membership eligibility requirement for our CHS Athletic Booster Scholarships offered to current CHS Seniors.

Information for digital passes:
- Each pass holder must have their own GoFan account with a unique email address. Accounts can be accessed through the app or website, but you must be able to pull up your account on your mobile device for entry to events. Passes cannot be shared.
- One user can purchase the pass for each family member and then transfer as needed. Each pass has a one-time transfer option. Transfers must be to an email address associated with a GoFan account.
- Student Passes are for any student, grades 1-12. Children under 6 years old are free. - To use your pass, pull up the GoFan account (app or website) on your mobile device and see a gate attendant for entry. Passes valid for one entry per event.
- For questions contact [email protected]

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Booster Membership Options

 Boosters has made the change to GoFan. This will allow you to store your Booster Pass on your Smart Phone. No more searching or trying to remember your Booster Pass. It will always be with you electronically! The buttons below will take you to the GOFan website/app. You will be able to buy as many passes as you need and have the ability to transfer the pass to their smartphone. This year, we’re please to offer Adult and Student Annual Passes at lower rates. Annual Passes are good for individual entry to all regular-season home games. We’re also introducing a Membership Only option. This does not gain you entry to any games but does support the Athletic Program and counts as eligibility for your player to apply for our scholarship. Please support our Chantilly athletes and athletic program by joining Boosters today!

Student Pass

$75 for Annual Pass (Eligible for Scholarship)

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Adult Pass

$95 for Annual Pass (Eligible for Scholarship)

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Booster Membership

NO ANNUAL PASS (eligible for Scholarship)

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If you do not want to join the Boosters but want to help us, please consider a tax-deductible donation of any amount to the athletic program

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